Homelessness is a big issue in the U.S., with about 600,000 people without a home on any given night1. This means 17 out of every 10,000 people might be homeless1. Sadly, 25% of these people have a serious mental health issue, and 45% have some kind of mental illness1. Transitional housing is key in helping people move from crisis shelters to a stable home, offering hope for a better future.

Key Takeaways

  • Homelessness affects an estimated 600,000 individuals in the United States on any given night.
  • At least 25% of homeless individuals have a serious mental health condition, and 45% have any mental illness.
  • Transitional housing programs provide a bridge between crisis shelters and permanent housing.
  • Transitional housing typically offers temporary residence for individuals and families experiencing homelessness, ranging from a few months to a couple of years.
  • Transitional housing programs aim to help individuals work towards finding permanent housing solutions.

Understanding Transitional Housing

Transitional housing is a key step for people and families in need. It helps them move from emergency shelters to a more stable home2. These programs help young people aged 16 to 18 in foster care and support them up to age 21 with programs like THP+FC and THP-Plus2.

What is Transitional Housing?

It’s a short-term home solution that can last from a few weeks to two years3. People living here get help with mental health, addiction, education, and life skills to live independently3.

The Difference Between Transitional and Supportive Housing

Transitional housing is short-term, while supportive housing is long-term with no end date3. In supportive housing, people pay rent and get ongoing support to stay independent3.

Some transitional programs focus on specific groups, like women with kids or pregnant women facing abuse or addiction3. They aim to offer a full care package, including treatment and help to rebuild lives3.

Since 1986, the McKinney-Vento Act has funded these programs in the U.S4.. In 2022, over $35.6 million went to 72 programs across the country4. Even places like Hong Kong are increasing transitional housing options4.

Transitional housing costs less than permanent supportive housing but more than shelters, thanks to the services it offers4. It’s a crucial resource for those needing temporary support on their path to stability and independence4.

Transitional Housing and Mental Health

People without homes often struggle with their mental health5. Studies show that giving them a place to live can help reduce homelessness, especially for those with mental illness5. Programs that focus on the individual, without needing them to get psychiatric or substance treatment first, lead to better mental health and more stable living situations5.

The Connection Between Homelessness and Mental Illness

Many homeless people also deal with mental health issues, making it hard to get a steady home and job5. These problems often trap people in homelessness, making it hard to get the help they need to recover. It’s key to help the homeless with their mental health to keep them in stable housing and improve their well-being.

The Benefits of Transitional Housing for Mental Health Recovery

Programs that focus on the individual, without needing psychiatric or substance treatment first, help with mental health and stable housing5. They offer support and services like counseling, job training, and life skills. These can help people recover mentally and move into permanent homes.

“Transitional housing programs that take a person-centered approach, without pre-requirements for psychiatric care or substance use treatment, have been found to result in improved mental health outcomes and higher rates of stable housing.”

CharacteristicTransitional HousingSupportive Housing
Length of StayTemporary (6-24 months)Permanent
Intensity of ServicesHighModerate to High
GoalPrepare for Independent LivingMaintain Independent Living


Finding and Accessing Transitional Housing Programs

Looking for transitional housing is a big step towards a better life. Places like Valley Cares in Salt Lake City offer many options. They have transitional and supportive housing, mental health treatment, skills training, peer support, and help with medication6. These programs help people move towards living on their own and a better life.

Outpatient Transitional Housing Services

Outpatient transitional housing services are key in moving from homelessness to stable living. They provide a place to live with mental health care, counseling, and skills training6. These services tackle the deep issues of homelessness and empower people for a brighter future.

Supportive Housing Services

Supportive housing offers both supervised and independent living with services tailored for each person6. They provide case management, job help, and community support for moving towards self-reliance. Supportive housing is a key part of helping people with homelessness and mental health issues.

To get into these programs, you often need to work with local social services, community groups, and government agencies78. With the right support, finding the right housing, getting the services you need, and achieving stability is easier.


Transitional housing is key in helping people with mental health issues find stable homes. It offers temporary stays, support, and a way to permanent homes. This can end homelessness and aid in recovery and independence9.

But, transitional housing might not always be the best option. It can cost more than other solutions, and people might not stay in permanent homes as long as those who didn’t use transitional housing9. Also, the idea of moving people through different housing stages isn’t well-supported by research9.

As we learn more, we see the need for housing solutions that really work for everyone, especially young adults10. By looking at different types of housing, like Permanent Supportive Housing and Rapid Rehousing, we can help end homelessness. We can give people the support they need for a stable life10.


What is the current state of homelessness in the United States?

The National Alliance to End Homelessness says there are about 600,000 people without homes in the U.S. on any given night. This means 17 out of every 10,000 people don’t have a place to live. Of these, 25 percent have a serious mental health issue, and 45 percent have any kind of mental illness.

What is the role of transitional housing in addressing homelessness?

Transitional housing helps people move from crisis shelters to permanent homes. It’s a short-term place to live, usually up to 24 months. Here, people get help with mental health, addiction, education, and life skills to live on their own.

How does transitional housing differ from supportive housing?

Supportive housing is a long-term option with no end date. People pay part of their rent and get ongoing support. Transitional housing is short-term, aiming to prepare people for independent living.

How does transitional housing support individuals with mental health conditions?

Addressing housing needs helps reduce homelessness, especially for those with mental illness. Transitional housing programs focus on the individual, offering support without strict rules for psychiatric care or substance treatment. This approach improves mental health and helps people stay in stable housing.

How can individuals access transitional housing programs?

People looking for transitional housing can reach out to local programs like Valley Cares in Salt Lake City. These programs offer transitional and supportive housing. They provide mental health treatment, skills training, peer support, and help with medication to aid in independence and a better life.

Source Links

  1. https://valleycares.com/blog/your-guide-to-transitional-housing-vs-supportive-housing/ – Transitional Housing vs Supportive Housing | Valley Cares
  2. https://www.cdss.ca.gov/transitional-housing – Transitional Housing
  3. https://transitionalhousing.com/california – California
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transitional_housing – Transitional housing
  5. https://www.hcd.ca.gov/grants-and-funding/programs-active/transitional-age-youth-program – Transitional Age Youth (TAY) Program
  6. https://tcfv.org/housing-beyond-shelter/ – Survivor Housing | Texas Council on Family Violence
  7. https://www.dfps.texas.gov/Child_Protection/Youth_and_Young_Adults/Transitional_Living/ – DFPS – Transitional Living Services
  8. https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/coc/coc-program-eligibility-requirements/ – Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Eligibility Requirements
  9. https://www.orgcode.com/blog/transitional-housing – Transitional Housing? — OrgCode Consulting
  10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8372952/ – Housing interventions for emerging adults experiencing homelessness: A scoping review

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